Gutscheincodes können am Ende in der Bestellübersicht eingegeben werden.

Choose your booking period

How long do you want to stay at the camp?

Number of guests

How many people are you traveling with?

Aktueller Gesamtpreis *

Our surf courses

In the surf courses the surf equipment, the surf lessons and the transfer to the surf spot is included. Additional surf days can be booked flexibly on site.

You choose the number of surfers in the next step.

Aktueller Gesamtpreis

Tell us the number of surfers

Enter here the number of people who want to participate in the selected surf course. The surfing equipment is included for every surfer.

Surf equipment

Surf equipment consisting of a wetsuit and a surfboard. Further days of lending is flexible on site.

Anzahl Personen Surfequipment
Anzahl Tage Surfequipment
Aktueller Gesamtpreis


Wähle deine Addons, zur Auswahl stehen Frühstück oder Vollverpflegung. Die Addons werden für alle Gäste berechnet.


Airport transfer

Book your airport transfer from Faro Airport here.

Travel dates outward journey

Note: If you do not have this information yet, please send it to us later (at least 2 days before arrival), so that we can provide a Shuttle for you.

Flugnummer Anreise

Travel dates departure

Note: If you do not have this information yet, please send it to us later (at least 2 days before arrival), so that we can provide a Shuttle for you.

Flugnummer Abreise
Aktueller Gesamtpreis

Invoice details

Enter your billing details below.

Address data

Please enter your address data here.

Voucher codes can be entered at the end in the order overview.

Choose your booking period

How long do you want to stay at the camp?

Number of guests

How many people are you traveling with?

total Price *

Our surf courses

Surfing equipment, surf lessons and transfer to the surf spot are included in the surf courses. Additional surfing days can be booked flexibly on site. Surf lessons are not possible on the day of arrival and departure. All surfers must be at least 16 years old.

You choose the number of surfers in the next step.

total Price

Tell us the number of surfers

Enter here the number of people who want to participate in the selected surf course. The surfing equipment is included for every surfer.

Surf equipment

Surf equipment consisting of a wetsuit and a surfboard. Further days of lending is flexible on site.

Days Surfequipment
How many Surfequipments
Total Price

Additional options

Choose your addons, the choices are breakfast or full service. The addons are calculated for all guests.


Airport transfer

Book your airport transfer from Faro Airport here. Please tell us your arrival time, at least 2 days before arrival, otherwise we wont be able to pick you up.

Travel dates departure

Note: If you do not have this information yet, please send it to us later (at least 2 days before arrival), so that we can provide a Shuttle for you.

Flightnumber arrival

Travel dates departure

Note: If you do not have this information yet, please send it to us later (at least 2 days before arrival), so that we can provide a Shuttle for you.

Flightnumber departure
Total Price

Invoice details

Enter your billing details below.

Address data

Please enter your address data here.

Gutscheincodes können am Ende in der Bestellübersicht eingegeben werden.

Choose your booking period

How long do you want to stay at the camp?

Anzahl Stellplätze/Zeltplätze
Anzahl Gäste
Aktueller Gesamtpreis


Wähle deine Addons, zur Auswahl stehen Frühstück oder Vollverpflegung. Die Addons werden für alle Gäste berechnet.

Zusätzliche Wünsche
Aktueller Gesamtpreis

Invoice details

Enter your billing details below.

Address data

Please enter your address data here.

Voucher codes can be entered at the end in the order overview.

Choose your booking period
How long do you want to stay with us?
Number of Campers/Tents
Number of guests
total price

Additional options

Choose your addons, the choices are breakfast or full service. The addons are calculated for all guests.

Additonal Wishes
Total price

Invoice details

Enter your billing details below.

Address data

Please enter your address data here.